2013 Hanoverian Mare
Showing Training and First, schooling second level and changes. Quiet temperament.
16-2 Black Swedish Warmblood mare by Fidertanz
2007 IALHA Half Andalusian 16-3 Black Mare This beautiful and kind mare has sold to a wonderful new owner who has decided to keep Bella here at Helicon Farm!
16 H Black gelding by Grand Prix stallion Donarweiss (Deniro/Hohenstein) outcrossed to hackney mare. Amateur friendly with lots of talent and nice gaits!
Star Piper
Oldenburg Gelding bred by Rio Star Farm. Click on his pic to see more like at him at Rio Star Farm
Beautiful, sweet youngster with lovely temperament.
Sire: Starlight
This dreamy mare owned by Connie Henegan was in training at Helicon from starting under saddle to Second Level. I still miss her!
Sire: Caruso
Dam: Rohsina by Rohdiamont
2009 Andalusian Gelding. The perfect horse found the perfect home! Congratulations to Terrie Hargrove - what a dream team!
Irish Draft Gelding
Third Level Schoolmaster
Fergus was an eventer but this wonderful gentleman took to his new dressage career like a duck to water.
17 H Russian Hanoverian
Sire: Otschag
Sold to Leslye Congrats!
2010 unpapered Oldenburg mare
by Donnerwood (by Donnermark Donnerhall/Rubinstein)
out of mare by Trakehner Beaute
Available direct from owner. Please contact me for referral.
16-2 Black Swedish Warmblood Mare
Fantastic gaits and personality.
Sire: Fidertanz
Listillo de P
Andalusian Gelding - wonderful safe schoolmaster. Kind and beautiful. Congratulations to his new owner!